A Balanced Life
In this weeks Ultimate Youth Worker Podcast we explore the need for youth workers to have a self care plan. Youth work can be highly stressful. Because we care, we take on a lot. Vicarious trauma is a regular event on our calendar. Around 24% of youth workers leave the sector every year. Unfortunately, self care is not as big an agenda item.
In today’s episode Aaron takes us on a journey towards developing our very own self care plan.
Self care is easy
Self care is pretty simple when you plan for it. What three activities could you do to take your mind off the stress of the world? Who are three people you can check in with on a regular basis to vent? If your boss sucks at supporting you through the stress you’re not alone. Touch base with us if you need someone. But don’t let another day go by without starting to plan for your care. If you are not on top of it how can you care for anyone else.
Pingback: A five step guide to self care - Ultimate Youth Worker
Pingback: Podcast 030: Self Care in Youth Work - Ultimate Youth Worker
Pingback: Podcast 038: Planning for your year ahead - Ultimate Youth Worker