First step of faith for Ultimate Youth Worker’s

Welcome to another Monday Ultimate Youth Workers. I was recently read about the amazing work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the turbulent times of the 1960’s. There is something about a man who is thrown in to the deep end of such a massive issue that not only swims but tows a nation behind him. If that doesn’t motivate you nothing does.
One of Dr. King’s quotes that I read was, “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step”. Sometimes we don’t know what step two or three look like. We just have to take a leap. When Dr. King and the other brave residents who in 1955 Boycotted the Montgomery Bus for 385 days I am sure they didn’t think on day one that they would be there for over a year.
When Dr. King gave his “I have a dream” speech I don’t think that he saw the civil rights movement stalling after his death. I think he saw a moment in time where someone had to stand in the breach.
In his final days in 1968 Martin Luther King Jr. spoke with an authority and wisdom that some people say could only have come from a prophetic knowing that the end was near. Most of the time we do not know how our journey will end we just need to take the first step in faith and hope all will work itself out in the wash.
What is your first step in faith going to look like?

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Aaron Garth

Aaron Garth is the Executive Director of Ultimate Youth Worker. Aaron has worked as a youth worker in a number of settings including local church, street drug and alcohol outreach, family services, residential care, local government and youth homelessness since 2003. Aaron is a regular speaker at camps, retreats, & youth work training events and is a dedicated to seeing a more professional youth sector in Australia. Aaron is a graduate of RMIT University and an alumnus of their youth work program. He lives in Melbourne with his wife Jennifer & their daughters Hope, Zoe, Esther, Niamh and son Ezra.

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