Have a special Christmas lunch. Do something different even if it is getting a cooked chook from your local supermarket and eating it out of the bag (as I did in 2006 with a great colleague at the time). If you have a few young people around it will make them feel like someone cares.
Have the Christmas carols playing in the background. Now im not saying that you should have the wiggles christmas CD playing but find some good Christmas carols and let them rip. Good carols performed well are quite soothing.
Find some time for you. Even if it is nicking out for a coffee for 15 minutes on a break take some time to reflect on the joy of the season and the year gone by.
Say high to friends and family, even if it is a short phone call.
Remember that the work you are doing is going to bring joy to a lot of young people in a season that often brings them a lot of sadness.
Tag Archives: self care
Implimenting self care in your youth work organisation.
Self care in your organisation
If you would like a copy for yourself, your manager or your organisation emails us today.
Managers need support to do their job: youth work depends on it.
Self care is a workplace health and safety issue
Self care is an OHS issue
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Do you suffer from “youth worker says yes” syndrome?
The youth sector must promote self care
Promoting self care
One of my best mates in youth work said to me today that he had been speaking to a bunch of people about the work of Ultimate Youth Worker recently. He stated that he was surprised when almost all of them stated that they didn’t think there was an issue with self care within the sector. When my friend spoke of burnout rates and levels of psychological stress in our sector they could begin to see the issue.
If managers and organisations really understood the negative effects and the cost to the organisation then self care would be the first thing on their agenda rather than the last. If organisations saw the revolving door that spat out their staff you think they would try to stop it. We can no longer ignore the fact that our sector is allowing staff to become psychologically damaged just to meet KPI’s.
Throughout our research we have been shocked at how many individuals, managers, organisations and peak bodies who at best pay lip service and at worst see self care as for the weak. Over the past few months I have been privileged to speak with and train a number of Tasmanians in self care. The most fantastic thing about this is that in the Youth Ethics Framework for Tasmania they state categorically that self care is a ethical requirement.
We need more groups like the Youth Network of Tasmania to stand up and shout that self care is a requirement for exceptional youth work.
What are you doing to set the self care agenda???
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If you haven’t yet, sign up for our newsletter to find out all the goings on at Ultimate Youth Worker. (Sign up here)
Vicarious trauma and youth workers: a recipe for disaster.
Good self care in youth work
Self care is an ethical requirement
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If you haven’t yet, sign up for our newsletter to find out all the goings on at Ultimate Youth Worker. (Sign up here)
Get more sleep!!!
Over the past month my sleeping patterns have gone completely out the window. Sleep is one of the most important things for our health and mine has suffered for it.
Here is a little reminder of how important sleep is:
Post conference slump
If you follow us on facebook or twitter you will know that some of the Ultimate Youth Worker team were at the Victorian Christian Youth Convention (VCYC) providing support and MC duties. The convention was amazing! over 300 young people and their youth leaders across the weekend all there to grow. There was amazing bands, great speakers and phenomenal fellowship. As the MC’s we had the privilage of leading the convention seeing and hearing all the highs that came throughout the weekend. But as with most highs eventually there comes a low.
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Aaron Garth and Cat Argiriou at VCYC 2013 |