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mental health
What is NSSI?
I have a story for you to set the scene. I was working in a residential home on a night shift, there was myself and o...
March 7, 2019
mental health
What are eating disorders?
An eating disorder is a serious mental illness, characterised by eating, exercise and body weight or shape becoming a...
February 7, 2019
mental health
Youth Mental Health Resources
There are so many youth mental health resources… Where do you start when you need youth mental health resources...
May 8, 2018
mental health
Youth workers as mental health gatekeepers
We’ve been asked a fair bit over the last month what our stance is on mental health. There seems to be two camp...
September 7, 2015
mental health
What are we up to: Youth mental health
We have met with a number of our supporters lately and one question keeps coming up…What are we up to at the mo...
July 27, 2015
mental health
Knowing mental health: Eating disorders
The final week of our mental health month brings us to eating disorders. As youth workers we have seen a marked incre...
October 27, 2014
mental health
Knowing mental health: Depressive disorders
Depressive Disorders While each one of us from time to time all feel sad, moody or low, some people experience these ...
October 15, 2014
mental health
Knowing mental health: Depression
Depression We continue mental health month at Ultimate youth Worker with the most spoken about of brain disorders, De...
October 13, 2014
mental health
Knowing mental health: Anxiety disorders
Anxiety is a problem faced by around one in ten young Australians aged 18-25. For young people aged 13-17, the figure...
October 7, 2014
mental health
Knowing mental health: Anxiety
We kick off mental health week with the most prevalent of disorders, Anxiety. Anxiety robs people of their ability to...
October 4, 2014
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