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Ultimate youth workers will always try one more time.
Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.Thomas A...
February 3, 2014
mental health
Mental state exam for youth workers: Perception
Well there are only three more posts left in this series. We have been building an understanding of the cor...
May 18, 2013
mental health
Mental state exam for youth workers: Mood and Affect.
So far in this series we have been developing an understanding of the core components of a mental state exam. So far ...
May 2, 2013
How to encourage young people as a youth worker
One of the most enjoyable parts of being a youth worker is providing a measure of encouragement to our young people. ...
November 22, 2012
Observe the C in DISC for youth worker’s
Over the last five weeks we have looked into the best tool we know of to help people build relationships with people ...
November 15, 2012
Setting boundaries in youth work:How much do I share about me?
Over the past two weeks I have spoken to a number of youth workers and all of these conversations have ...
October 31, 2012
Observe the D in DISC for youth worker’s
Last Thursday we began a Series looking at the DISC behavioural profiling system and discussed how DISC can help us t...
October 25, 2012
Behavioural observation is the key to best practice youth work.
A few weeks ago we stated that we would look at how to develop a behavioural lensto inform how you work with young pe...
October 18, 2012
Why youth worker’s need to gain practical wisdom!!!
Over the last few months I have been encouraged to imagine what youth work might look like in the future. This h...
July 31, 2012
The need for audacious Ultimate Youth Workers
Over the past two days I have attended the Youth Affairs Council of Victoria (YACVIC) ConnectFor conference in Melbou...
June 26, 2012
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