In todays podcast “2021 Resolutions” Aaron muses on the future of the Ultimate Youth Worker Podcast and all the other goodies that the team are putting together over the next year. We are so excited to see what this year has to unfold. After last year and the huge trial that 2020 was for so many people we believe that 2021 is going to be an awesome year in the youth sector and we hope specifically for the Ultimate Youth Worker tribe that this will be a year of strengthening for you.
Ultimate Youth Worker is now a subsidiary of Ultimate Services Australia PTY LTD. This gives us the financial support to further develop the work we have been doing for the last eight years. This gives us the backing we need to take Ultimate Youth Worker to the next level in 2021.
2021 Resolutions
Weekly Podcast through 2021
Through 2021 we are committed to bringing you a new podcast every week. We are batching our podcast recording so that we can bring a new episode every week. It also means that we can do mini-series throughout the year to meet your training needs. We are focussing on the basics this year. We are looking at youth work careers, professionalisation, mental health and self care. We will throw in a few extra topics as we go but this is the basis for 2021.
Training has been the backbone of Ultimate Youth Worker since we began way back in 2012. We have always had a clear mission to provide the best research based training to youth workers so that we can provide the best support to the young people we serve. In 2021 we are bringing that up a notch.
- Self-Care online training: Over the past eight years we have run training on self care to close on 1000 Australian youth workers in our face-to-face sessions. These sessions have been really well attended and the feedback we receive is always exceptional. What we have come to realise is that we need to get this training out to more youth workers. To that end we have begun to develop an online course that we are hoping to provide in early 2021.
- Webinars: Throughout 2020 we had been tasked by the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family welfare to provide some webinars for residential youth workers. These webinars gave us the confidence and experience to look at delivering these to the wider youth work sector. We will look to provide a webinar every month. The areas we will focus on in 2021 are:
- Trauma Informed Care
- Mental Health
- Professionalisation
We have been providing supervision for eight years throughout Melbourne. 2020 showed us that the use of Zoom was a legitimate way of providing supervision too. Throughout 2020 we provided supervision from Penrith to Perth, from Deniliquin to Darwin. If you could use some support to be the best youth worker you can be then we can help you no matter where you are based.
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