
Keeping motivation in youth work

Life is tough, and so is youth work. Keeping motivation can be difficult. From the outside most people only see the c...

To all the amazing women: Happy International Women’s Day!

Women are amazing! Let me just state that from the beginning. I am in awe of so many women in my life. Women I love, ...
Youth Worker passion

What is within you?

All to often we are judged by our pasts. Most often by the decisions we have made which went awry. We look behind us ...
Even if they are small things

Motivational Monday: Greatness.

Greatness in something small. In youth work we are going through our own adolescent storm and stress. We are pushing ...
Walk Away

Motivational Monday: Walk away!

My career as a youth worker has always pushed the boundaries. Whether it was pushing social workers in family service...

Celebrate successes: The youth work mountaintop.

Celebrate successes Tonight I met a bunch of youth workers for dinner to celebrate the amazing work they had done thr...

End of year and can’t be stuffed: no motivation.

I have been speaking to a lot of youth workers in the slow grind to the end of the year and it seems we are all losin...

Just try… your doomed if you don’t!

Many of my clients over the years have been doomed by inaction. In many cases it has not been that they lack ability ...

What are you struggling with at the moment?

Every so often I like to take the pulse of the people I serve. I want to know what is going well. What is happening i...

Love what you do!

In our work we come across some of the most awesome youth workers in the service. They absolutely love their work. Th...
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