Are you looking for ways to develop your practice as a youth worker? Perhaps you are just after some professional development from some qualified youth workers. Perhaps you are here to become an Ultimate Youth Worker! In the resources section we provide you with some of the most up to date knowledge in a format that is easily accessible. Wether you like to read, listen or watch we have a format that will suit your tastes.

Our Blog is a world wide authority on all things youth work with contributors from New York to Edinburgh and frontline worker to academic. If you want to gain some skills or dream about the future of youth work this blog is for you.

The Ultimate Youth Worker Podcast is a listening experience second to no other podcast for youth workers. Combining the experience and training of our Executive Director with special guests from all areas of youth work we give you a veritable smorgasbord of knowledge.

We know that it is hard to get to a seminar or training session these days. High costs, immense travel and time away from the office are all reasons that managers knock back training requests. To support you and provide value for money we have turned to the power of the internet to run webinars. All our trademark seminars are run as webinars as well as face-to-face.

We are adding to our video series weekly. From videos of our conference presentations through to training videos our channel has a heap of videos to support your personal and professional growth.

Many of these resources are completely free and brought to you as a service for the sector. For those we charge for we have tried to make them as cost effective as possible so you can spend the money you save on supporting more young people.

Enjoy the content brought to you from our community.

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