
Professional development for Youth Ministers about youth work.

We know that a significant number of our readers are youth ministers who are seeking to develop a deeper understandin...

Is the professionalisation of our sector destroying the very foundation of youth work?

Thoughts on professionalisation Over the last couple of days I have been re-listening to some of my favourite podcast...

Be transparent!!!

I was watching an Australian political review program this evening and as I was watching I realised something much mo...

We need to fail more youth work students: youth work is not a profession for the non hackers

The argument levelled at youth work as a profession and youth workers in particular that gets my goat the most is tha...

Dealing with the down time: Youth worker patience.

If you are in anyway like me you spend most of your working days going flat out. You run from meeting to meeting, to ...

When your policy says nothing: Youth work practice wisdom

I have read more policy documents in the last month than I have read in the last two years. It has really hurt my hea...

We need to measure everything: youth work is changing and so must we.

Over the past year we have attended a number of conferences and seminars throughout Australia on the awesome practice...

Passion needs to be tempered for effective youth work.

I was recently speaking to an organisation who were going to fire a youth worker. They had a list of grievances a mil...

Good self care in youth work

Self care is an ethical requirement I have heard, over the past year or so, more excuses as to why youth workers can&...

Local government youth work: Placation or proliferation?

In my illustrious career I had the privilege of being a coordinator of a small local government youth service for the...