Introduction to self care

In today's fast-paced world of youth work, where we are constantly bombarded with demanding schedules, never-ending to-do lists, and an ... Show more
Aaron Garth
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In today’s fast-paced world of youth work, where we are constantly bombarded with demanding schedules, never-ending to-do lists, and an overwhelming array of responsibilities, it’s all too easy for self-care to slip to the bottom of our priority list. We find ourselves caught up in the hustle and bustle, neglecting our own needs and well-being in the process. However, self-care is not a luxury; it is an essential component of a healthy and fulfilling life.

In this transformational four-hour course, “Introduction to Self-Care” we invite you to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Together, we will delve into the central aspects of self-care that have been written about since the time of Aristotle and unlock the immense potential it holds for enhancing our overall well-being.

Throughout the course, we will navigate the intricate balance between our external commitments and the internal nurturing we owe ourselves. We will explore the profound impact self-care has on our physical health, mental well-being, emotional resilience, and spiritual connection. By prioritising self-care, we can build a solid foundation that allows us to thrive amidst life’s challenges, rather than merely survive.

Join us as we unravel the significance of self-care in our daily lives, uncovering the various barriers and misconceptions that hinder us from engaging in this vital practice. Through thought-provoking discussions, experiential exercises, and self-reflective activities, you will gain a profound understanding of why self-care is not only important but also non-negotiable for effective youth work.

Moreover, this course is designed to empower you with practical tools and strategies for incorporating self-care into your busy lifestyle. From physical self-care practices such as exercise, nutrition, and sleep, to mental self-care techniques like stress management and mindfulness, we will provide you with a comprehensive toolkit to nurture and restore your mind, body, social connections and spirit.

Our dedicated exploration of social and emotional self-care will illuminate the importance of fostering healthy relationships, setting boundaries, and prioritising self-compassion. Additionally, we will delve into the realm of spiritual self-care, helping you connect with your inner self, explore your values and beliefs, and cultivate a sense of purpose and meaning in your life.

In this safe and supportive learning environment, you will have the opportunity to engage in open discussions, share experiences, and learn from a diverse group of individuals who are also seeking to prioritise their well-being. Together, we will co-create personalised self-care plans tailored to your unique needs, ensuring that the knowledge and practices gained during this course extend far beyond its duration.

Now is the time to reclaim your own well-being, to nurture yourself holistically, and to embrace the transformative power of self-care. Join us in this enriching journey of self-discovery and empowerment, as we embark on a path towards a life that is not just lived, but truly cherished.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Reflect on the significance of prioritising self-care in maintaining overall well-being in the lives and careers of youth workers.
  2. Prioritise the specific self-care practices that will benefit them the most based on their individual circumstances, preferences, and goals.
  3. Assess the importance of seeking support and fostering connections with like-minded individuals to actively engage in building a supportive network
  4. Design self-care plan incorporating techniques into Daily/Weekly/Monthly and Yearly routines to enhance their Physical, Mental, Social/Emotional and Spiritual well-being.
  5. Reflect on self-care practices, assessing their effectiveness, and making adjustments as needed to ensure continuous personal growth and well-being.

Aaron Garth

Aaron Garth is the Executive Director of Ultimate Youth Worker. Aaron has worked as a youth worker in a number of settings including local church, street drug and alcohol outreach, family services, residential care, local government and youth homelessness since 2003. Aaron is a regular speaker at camps, retreats, & youth work training events and is a dedicated to seeing a more professional youth sector in Australia. Aaron is a graduate of RMIT University and an alumnus of their youth work program. He lives in Melbourne with his wife Jennifer & their daughters Hope, Zoe, Esther, Niamh and son Ezra.

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Physical Self Care
Mental Self Care
Social/Emotional Self Care
Spiritual Self Care